
Licensee details

Credit LicenseeVow Financial Pty Ltd
Australian Company Number138 789 161
Australian Credit Licence Number390261
AddressLevel 11, No 1 Chifley Square, Sydney, NSW 2000PO Box H265, Australia Square, NSW 1215
Phone1300 656 922

Credit representative details

Credit Representative NameAaron Paul Hendrikson
Credit Representative Number458079
Credit Representative NameScott Daniel Vallender
Credit Representative Number525811
Business NameBest Interest Brokers Pty Ltd
Credit Representative Number539475
ABN39 657 873 517
ACN657 873 517
Address50 Sydney Rd, Warriewood NSW 2102, Australia
Phone0414 746 348

We have appointed Aaron Hendrikson and Scott Vallender as our credit representatives in the provision of credit assistance to you.
The information detailed above applies specifically to the credit representatives.

In addition, the credit representatives may receive the whole or part of the commissions and fees referred to above directly or indirectly from us as the representative.

You can obtain information from the credit representatives about a reasonable estimate of those commissions and how the commission is worked out.

The credit representatives have access to the financiers listed in the licensee credit guide.